less than 1 minute read

Yesterday I implemented an Azure alert with an Action Group that triggers a Logic App to send a message to Microsoft Teams. I followed this article: Customize alert notifications by using Logic Apps

Today a colleague told me if the organization has “Allow users to send email to a channel email address” enabled you can use an Email notification to send an alert to that channel. For more info about the option see: “Get email address” option is not available in Teams Channel

Logic App


  • Custom notification format


  • More work
  • More complex
  • Possible failure in the Logic App



  • Easy and simple to configure
  • No custom implementation needed


  • No custom format
  • Requires a Teams organization-wide config enabled
  • Content is too long so you have to download the email for details

If you are interested in the Bicep code for both options, see the following gists: